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Header bidding plugin for Revive Adserver

Header bidding plugin for Revive Adserver

Product Information

The ‘header bidding plugin’ for Revive Adserver is one of the many ways through which publishers can obtain the highest revenue for their ad inventory. Earlier publishers relied on Publisher water falling: Determines the priority as to which partners are eligible to bid for the given ad placement. In simple words, water falling creates a bidding hierarchy amongst different Ad Networks Direct buy ads are given high priority over others like SSP partners, exchange providers results in less competition and lower overall CPM; which in turn affect the yields less revenue for the publishers.

Header bidding is different from traditional real-time bidding (RTB) auctions because instead of each ad exchange having their own auction, one at a time, at a much lower priority in the publisher’s ad server; header bidder allows all the ad exchanges to bid at the same time at the highest priority in the ad server.

Header bidding plugin workflow

Header bidding plugin for Revive Adserver

1.  Publisher partners with a third party header bidding provider and implements the JavaScript code in the header of each page.
2.  The code allows the header bidding partner to participate in every bidding auction on the site. So advertisers have more opportunity to bid on impressions and increase completion for publishers.
3.  The highest bid from the header bidding partner is sent directly into the publisher’s ad server.
4.  In the ad server header bidding partners can compete with all other demands sources including internal and direct buy sources from the publisher.
5.  Highest bidding’s creative is displayed and the publisher can be confident that they have received the optimal revenue for their ad space.

The header bidding plugin for Revive Adserver provides a seamless integration along with smooth setup. Now publishers and advertisers can connect to the most powerful programmatic marketplace, experience dynamic bids and competition from international brands to win impressions.

Server-side Header Bidding

Increase the pace of your ad operations with server-side header bidding, where the running auctions can take place outside the publisher’s page and all the incoming and outgoing calls are routed through our remote server. This allows publishers to collaborate with any number of media buyers they desire, as it does not hinder the interface or loading pace of their site.

Wrapper Solution

Publishers can handle multiple header tags in a unified place using wrapper solutions. They can now manage the list of their demand partners quite easily. They can add or remove connection when necessary. Wrapper solution regulates multiple requests, run auctions and sends the winning bids to the ad server promptly. It acts as a gateway to measure all the bidders on the same metrics. Only the publisher’s ad server can make the final decision.

Passback tag

Auction takes place between third party ads and internal ads as well. Usually in Revive Adserver, a passback tag is integrated in the event when third party ad or an internal ad isn’t returned the house ads are displayed. The case is similar in header bidding as well. House ads are displayed completely based on the publisher’s requirement.

Stats and reporting

Using the Header Bidding plugin, publishers obtain access to in-depth and unified reporting that provides information of the sales across all header-bidding integrations in the system. It gives publishers more insight into the latency speed, bid dynamics, and partner performance metrics. These reports can be further utilized to formulate business strategies and discover ways to increase the revenue.


  • Increased competition yields higher revenue for publishers.
  • Either eliminate or enhance the existing publisher waterfall model.
  • Header bidders are able to participate in each auction.
  • Auctions are conducted in parallel with a cut-off time
  • Considerable decrease in the ad render time

Price: €4750.00 €2850.00

Product Options:

Product Code: HEAY3
Quantity: Add to Cart is third party Consulting Solution / Service provider for OpenX download version.

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